Had enough of government bail outs of the banks and private industries that created the depression? For god's skate the country is above 10% unemployment! Raise your voice if you want anything to change.We want jobs, respect , education for our tax dollars! We got the park built by demanding our tax dollars be spent for our needs. Do you want $200.00 ticket because you dont want to wear a helmet? Do you want your skatepark covered in spray paint, trash, urine and debris? The time is now! Join VSA to advocate skaters and surfer rights and the FREEDOM to choose, VSA members will be present to express concerns over LAPD policy @ Venice "Polar Bear" skateboard park,
73-7011 West LA (310) 575-8461 Westchester (310) 568-8772
November 9, 2009
Contact: Nate Kaplan-(213) 473-7011
Public Invited
Who: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
LAPD Chief-designate Charlie Beck
When: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Where: Mar Vista Recreation Center
11430 Woodbine Avenue
Los Angeles , CA 90066
What: Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa invite the public to attend a community meeting to get to know LAPD Chief-designate Charlie Beck, who was recently appointed by the Mayor.
Beck’s introduction will be followed by a “Question and Answer” session with the audience. The public is encouraged to express their priorities and concerns to the newly appointed chief in public meetings throughout the City before the City Council votes on his confirmation later this month.
Villaraigosa announced his appointment of Beck on November 3 to replace Chief William Bratton, who stepped down on October 31. Beck is a 32-year veteran of the LAPD.
This message was sent to venicesrfsk8@yahoo.com by:
Councilman Bill Rosendahl
200 N. Spring Street, Room 415
Mailstop 218
Los Angeles, CA 90012